Gifted Women In Ministry
This ministry is designed to expose the Titus 2 Woman, to women by providing outreach, care, and love to all women in and outside of the church. Monthly Coffee and Conversations, annual luncheons, and retreats all work to bring consistency in concept and action in being “my brother’s keeper”.
Contact Pastor Sheila Whiting | Tel: 703-212-8562
Mother's Ministry
This ministry is designed to expose the nurturing power of a mother’s love, comfort, and compassion. As customary in the early church, it was the matriarch’s responsibility to train and instruct the children and younger women. So, it is today in My Father’s House. This same custom and tradition is established and used to strengthen and foster a strong sense of family and fellowship.
Contact | Tel: 703-212-8562
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." (2 Timothy 3:16) Our goal is to teach and proclaim the mysteries of the Kingdom of God in simplicity; exposing useful and practical applications for daily living while promoting positive growth and change in the lives of individuals. The Discipleship process is dependent upon the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in providing the correct viewpoint, basic truths, principles, and precepts for interpreting the facts encountered in life and the study of all subject matter.
Contact | Tel: 703-212-8562
Youth Ministry
The youth ministry is designed to develop children, teens and young adults spiritually, mentally and sociably.
Contact | Tel: 703-212-8562
Music Ministry
The music ministry is responsible to minister in music during Sunday services, special services, and fellowships.
Contact Elder Nastacia J. Barksdale | Tel: 703-212-8562
Gifted Voices
A Biblically based talk show for and by women. The show provides a platform for women to be celebrated and heard who appear to be the ordinary by society, but who are the “ExtraOrdinary” in the eyes of God!
Contact | Tel: 703-212-8562
Men Of The House
The purpose and mission of this ministry is to exhort “Kingdom Men” in brotherly love with Kingdom principles of servitude, fellowship, and mentorship. This will be accomplished through the fundamental teaching, thorough explanation, and practical application of the Word of God to their daily lives.
Contact | Tel: 703-212-8562
“Greeters” welcome visitors and members in a manner that is respectful yet embracing to project the love of God to people as they enter the services. This group of people commits to being watchmen, “doorkeepers” and forerunners for the ministry. The ushers assist in keeping order in and around the church at all times and during services.
Contact | Tel: 703-212-8562
Drama/Dance Ministry
This area of ministry uses drama, music, theatre, dance, and visual arts to present the Word of God through imagery and performance.
Contact | Tel: 703-212-8562
Children's Church
This ministry is designed to minister to children (ages 3-12 years) in a method of teaching that captures the attention of this particular age group.
Contact | Tel: 703-212-8562
This area is responsible for the audio needs of the worship services, Social Media, revivals, concerts, special services, conferences, workshops, children’s / men’s / women’s / teens/fellowships, holiday performances, etc.
Contact | Tel: 703-212-8562